About the Writer

Bucuresti, Bucuresti, Romania

18 februarie 2011

Hi,nu am mai scris pe aici de ceva timp,pai sa va prezint ce mai e nou:

 I am getting nervous about the start of the new school year.
I think I should go back to school for my Master’s Degree.
I know I am blessed.
I have a wonderful family and many terrific friends.
I wish that the next president will lead our country in a new and better direction.
I hate getting up at five in the morning, but you knew that already.
I miss my grandfathers.
I fear being totally alone and losing people I love.
I hear music.  I love many different styles of music.
I smell tuna noodle casserole.  It’s what we had for supper.  It is one of my favorites.
I crave real chocolate ice cream in a sugar cone.  At least a double scoop.
I search for answers to my questions, and I have a lot of questions.
I wonder what my children will be like as adults.
I regret not taking more chances before I had children.
I love my husband, children, parents, sisters, grandparents, nieces, nephews, in-laws, and other assorted relatives.  I love my friends too!
I ache in my back.  I hate it.
I am not a pessimist.  I am not an optimist either.  I think I am a realist.
I believe in life after death, so maybe I am an optimist.
I dance whenever I can.  With or without music.
I sing whenever I can, and yes I can do it with or without music, and I can carry a tune!
I cry when I’m sad, angry, happy, frustrated, and even relieved.  I’ve shed many tears.  They come easily for me.
I fight when I believe it is necessary to fight.
I win at the game Bananagrams.  I love that game!
I lose my focus.  Frequently.  What was I saying?
I never go to bed without washing my face.
I always tell my children I love them when I tuck them in for the night.
I confuse the names Matthew and Michael.  I also confuse the names Jennifer and Jessica.  I cannot tell you why I do that.
I listen when my children talk with their friends.  I’ve learned a lot.
I can usually be found with my nose in a book, or maybe playing on the computer.
I am scared of failure.
I need chocolate.  (It seemed like the right answer, at the time.)
I am happy about being home with my children during the summer.
I imagine many things, because I’ve got an overactive imagination.
I tag anyone who’d like to try this.  It’s harder than it appears.

Avand in vedere ca am facut aceasta pagina lumea imi spune ca le place foarte mult mai ales ca au aparut in lista mea pentru prieteni cei mai buni..boring...si nu numai atat,i-am rugat sa faca descrieri about me si priviti ce au scris:

Diana este o persoana plina de viata , amuzanta si nebunaaaa..Ceea ce mi-a placut mult la ea e faptul ca nu ii pasa ce zice lumea despre ea.Si in plus O iubesc!!!!<3<3<3

pai ce pot sa spun....Escape e o fata exterm de prietenoasa si geniala pe acre o super,ultra,giga,mega ador:x si cu care imi place sa-mi petrec timpul...ea este foarte intelegatoare si de treba pot mereu sa contez pe ea...te iuebsc bai :x!
Pai ce pot spune despre tine..pentru mine nu esti doar o amica,esti mai mult.mi place sa stau in preajma ta.te cred foooooarte de treaba si-mi pare bine ca team cunoscut.nu-mi vine sa cred ca te-am cunoscut prin Porky.te porti fooarte frumosc cu mine,ca o sora mai mare care e foarte draguta.altceva nu cred ca ma-i am de spus.Te iubesc!

Just for fun!

Cel mai tare videoclip cu robiti facut de romani!


I want to be the one girl who makes the player, quit his game.

I look at you and remember how much pain and hurt you caused me and i  can truthfully say it doesn’t bother me anymore. Yeah, you put me through a lot but i can’t say i regret any of it for a second. Yeah, it hurt like hell but it was the realest hurt i’ve ever felt. And the feeling i felt when i was with you was worth every second of hurt.
You don’t really seem to have him now, at least not the way you want to have him. You won’t get anything unless you ask for it. Then if you ask for it and don’t get it, maybe it wasn’t worth having in the first place. Some things are just never meant to be. No matter how much we wish they were.

I know someone better is out there, but i always find myself hoping you’d come back to me, only wanting you. I miss you more than anything...The one thing i hate most is saying goodbye. It’s never been easy for me. I mean, how do you approach the concept of goodbye? Goodbyes are all different. Some are for a day, some are for a month, but others are for forever. And the concept of forever is hard to accept. It’s like hey, i’m never going to see you again, goodbye. It doesn’t feel complete, but i think that’s what goodbyes are. They’re incomplete and you honestly don’t know  how long the goodbye will last. It’s a part of life.

Do you ever wonder? I mean about us, what happened? It was almost like our relationship was a piece of paper crumbled up and thrown away; forgotten. What might have happened if we didn’t throw it away? Maybe we would still be together or maybe not. Or maybe secretly we haven’t thrown it away yet. We’re saving it because we’re hoping someday we can pull it out of our pockets and rekindle what we once had. Or maybe it’s not even that we want it back, maybe it’s that we don’t want to lose what we had but at the same time, we know it’s already lost. I wonder that a lot and I wonder if you wonder sometimes too.
I let you in; you were the first one. Did you know that? I trusted you. They  said you might hurt me. Everyone told me not to get my hopes up for you. Bet you didn’t know that and when everyone doubted, I was there defending you. Then you left and it was a horrible feeling, but I put my trust in you. I  trusted you wouldn’t hurt me, but baby you did.

We never dated but we both knew that we loved each other. I  don’t know what happened between us and that is what still tears
me apart inside.
I need someone to prove to me that I'm worth it, really worth it to them. Maybe all I need is a person who can show me that everyone is not the same. Honestly, I thought you were that person but I was wrong. Is it too much to ask for someone to take a risk on me, to fight for me, to actually care enough to not let something go; the way I did for you? You never even thanked me. I acted the way I did because I cared. I didn't realize it then, but I do now. I don't do that for just anyone. So, call me crazy, but today.. today i realized that I can't keep waiting for you. I'm moving on, I can't stay in one place waiting. I can't be around you anymore. I'm not over it, I don't get over things fast, I never have, no matter how much I try and convince myself. I'll see you around sometime. I keep thinking maybe somehow, something will click and everything will go back to the way it was in the beginning. Maybe we could go back to that, but too much has been said and done. So, maybe you'll get one more chance from me, maybe you won't.

There are so many reasons why we are meant to be, and so many, many reasons why we aren't.

I have a new outlook on life and the people that are in it. if you prove  to me that you deserve to be in my life and stay in it, then you will. if
you show me that you don't care, then i'm not gonna care about it. i'm done letting people walk all over me. for once in my life, i don't care.

                                             i hate the fact that id take you back in a heartbeat.

 Some day you'll cry for me like I cried for you. Some day you'll miss me like I missed you. Some day you'll need me like I needed you. Some day you'll love me and I won't love you.

You're not anyone special to me anymore, I'm used to this now. I've been hurt before. So leave me alone like you've always done, 'cause you've hurt me too much to be the right one.

I’m not looking to fall in love. I’m not even necessarily looking for a boyfriend right now. All I really want is to find a nice, good guy I can text late at night, joke around with, and be stupid with. Someone I can easily talk to, someone I can be my total self around and not mind at all. A guy I can waste Friday nights with, laugh with, and have fun with. Someone who’s not perfect, but understands me, you know? Is that really too much to ask for?

I force myself to remember the past. To remember all the times you hurt me and ignored me, and made me feel less than I should. I do this so I am okay with you walking away. I want to remember you at your worst, so thinking about your best doesn't hurt so much.

You made me realize, I don't deserve to be with someone who never cared as much as I did. Maybe I didn't mean anything to you, but to me...you meant the world. So if you want to apologize for treating me like crap, you can. But just to warn you, I may not accept it... you're too deep in your own shit to dig your way out, this time around.

Lets get something straight here, I loved you, I loved you with everything I had in me.But it was never good enough for you. I was never good enough for you. I would have done anything to keep you by my side, but you pushed me away for so long that I gave up. Im walking away from this and I can promise you Im never looking back. Its gonna hurt and its gonna be tough, but I cant keep going on with the way things are between us. Its over - its been over for the longest time, I just didn't wanna believe it. As much as it kills me to say this, we aren't meant to be in each others life's anymore. We aren't the same two people we used to be. We've changed. Your not the same boy I fell in love with. That boy, well he's gone. So what's the point in loving him if he doesn't exist anymore? I wanted to be with the guy who fought for me more than anyone had, ever. The guy who lead me to believe that when I was with him I had nothing to worry about. The guy I thought was different from all the rest. But it turns out - I was wrong. Completely wrong. You left me so many times when i needed you the most. Every time I begged you to stay - you always found a reason to leave. So, as you sit here and beg me not to go - for once I cant think of one reason to stay. Yea, I do love you, but being in love isn't enough anymore. Our love isn't enough anymore. I have to walk away from this - even though, its gonna destroy me.

sometimes you wish you cán go báck in the pást ánd chánge things. but you cán't do thát. you've got to keep moving forwárd no mátter how páinful it might be. becáuse dwelling on the pást isn't going to fix the future. leárning from your mistákes is whát's going to.

Men will treat you the way you let them. There is no such thing as "deserving" respect; you get what you demand from people.. if you demand respect, he will either respect you or he won't associate with you. It really is that simple.

i am the kind of girl who enjoys the chase. i get a thrill when it comes to winning someone over and making them fall in love with me. then when rough times in a relationship emerge, i run off kicking and screaming. i analyzed my actions once. i came to the conclusion that i'm afraid of getting too close to someone because i'm scared to get hurt. when a boy takes one step forward, i take three steps back. i've done this my whole life. it is my greatest downfall, the reason i have lost so many loves.

No matter what anyone says, you don't come back to a person time and time again unless you still care. That's all there is to it.

A perfect day.

Azi cum am ajuns la scoala mi s-a intamplat ceva superb denisa tipa care am spus ca mia ciordit clama a venit la mine si mi-a dato inapoi am apreciat si i-am multumit.A intrat in scoala inghesuiala..si surpriza prima ora mate!am avut nococul sa nu ne controleze tema#:-s  ceea ce a fost minunat:).Apoi ca in fiecare pauza ne enervam reciproc eu si cu Andrei si am urcat la 2 unde cei de la 5 C jucau zilele saptamanii am intrat in joc am iesit de doua ori si cand sa plecam cei de la 5 C aveau ora cu diriga:)),bine inteles ca nua prins pe mine si Andrei ,lui i-a dat un mare capac iar mie mi-a spus sa ma duc   in clasa..pe scari ne bufnea rasu.[=)))].era ora de engleza unde din cauza prietenilor meu frumosi din clasa am dat un test paper de tradus niste chestii nimic complicat COPIAT pentru ca doar 2 stiau:)))[multumesc vali inca o data>:D<]apoi a venit ora de fizica:-< care si a a predat 2 probleme si ne-a dat drumu acasa:)) asta a fost si apoi m-am dus acasa:)))).Da si pentru ca sunt atat de grijulie am pierdut din nou agrafa mea cu LOVE cea ce ma bucura pentru ca mi-am dat seama ca imi fac prieteni noi cu ea:)).THANKS FOR REED! SIA!